Welcome to the official Blog of the four most random people on the planet.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

New Release..

So I have release a new version of our website.  Raquel and I worked on it last night.  If you would like to visit you can take a look at 

Tell me what you think

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Good Ol' Fashioned Humor

Monday, March 06, 2006

Well Folks Google has redeemed themselves a little bit now.  I am currently writing this post from my dashboard on my Mac.  That is right folks.  Google has released a few new widgets for the dashboard.  Hopefully this will encourage me to post a little more and maybe revive this dead blog.  Also they release a new Gmail widget which love becuase I can write mail out of it and read my mail.  It is great.  

Bye for now

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Well Folks

Well happy New Year everyone. We have had a lot happend lately. Our friend Zach has moved to big city of Chicago well acutally it is Wheaton, IL but we will call it Chicago. He got himself a new job at Ginger Creek Community Church. Jeff and I are going to attempt to learn French this year. We have already begun and have found out that it is a hard language becuase it all sounds the same but is spelled different so any tips would be appreciated. We have started a blog to put the conjugation charts on and other things like vocab list. You can visit it at http://nousparlons.blogspot.com. The Nous Parlons means we speak. Raquel and I celbrated our 2nd anniversary yesterday at the Ruth which of course was delicous. Hope everyone has a great and happy new year. bye bye.

Friday, November 11, 2005

Long time no see

Well folks, it seems as if the blog is basically dead, although we are not. As a matter a fact a lot has gone on since the last post. We have finally gotten our Mac situation worked out. The iMac you see in the picture isn't really ours. That was the second one. We took it back to get the new iMac G5 with the built in iSight. So if you have an iSight also, let us know and we can video chat. Our apple ID is Hubbard1304@mac.com. We love our Mac. It is just a superior computer and I suggest that everyone make the switch. I work with them everyday now in my new job.

Yep you hear me. I have recently acquired a new, great, job at Monster Worldwide. Yes that is right Monster.com and no I can't push your resume up in the pile.

Zach has recently started his own blog. I have put a link on the blog in the links section. Jeff is doing well in the big Bloom. He is up there just a tootin his horn and has had a couple 2 or 3 auditions in some nice cities.

Well maybe this thing will revive itself and become some big money making scheme. I will let you get back to blogging and remember we are addicted to the iSight and would really like to try out the multiple video chat thing.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Happy Apple

In just a few short days, all members of GroupBlonk will be proud owners and users of Mac's!! Zachers has already been using his PowerBook G4 for sometime now, and just yesterday Bri-Bri and Raquellers purchased their 20-inch iMac, and just this morning, your very own J. McGeffers put in his order via information superhighway for his 14-inch iBook. This is a great stride for GroupBlonk. We encourage all of our readers to make the switch to Mac. Once you go Mac, you'll never go back!! (<---- yikes)

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

The birthdays

You will have to excuse the disruption in the template. I felt that it was necessary to place a countdown on the blog in honor of Jeff's day of birth. You see in groupblonk we make a big deal about birthdays. We don't do Christmas, well we do celebrate the birth of Jesus we just don't get each other presents. Anyway the only time we buy presents for each other is on our birthday. So in honor of Jeffs birthday I have put a little countdown clock to Jeffs which is coming soon.